The News That's Right

Older Articles
Dems Fear Voter Revulsion
Electromagnetic Attack From China
Republican Vote With Dems on Federal Vax Database
Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY
Republicans Poised to Take Back Congress in 2022
Fauci Lied About Gain of Function
Manchin Opposes Private Sector Vax Mandate
AG Sues Springfield Over Sunshine Law issues

In 2022, the Democrats' Biggest Enemy is Voter Revulsion
- From American Thinker, Excerpts from the article:
"Democrats haven’t grasped this yet, but it’s too late for them. The die is cast. An electoral bloodbath awaits next year, akin to or surpassing what happened to their party in 2010.
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s and the Squad’s anti-American leftist politics drive their party, and that’s beginning to register at a gut level with voters. What voters – critically, that big, pivotal segment known as independents – now feel is revulsion for Democrats in not just one way but many. The intensity of that revulsion is bound to grow in the coming months.
"Starting on January 20 – shortly after Biden was sworn in and began robotically signing executive orders – voters witnessed failure after failure, with energy costs and inflation climbing; supply chains bogging down; an evaporating southern border and floods of illegals; needless defeat and retreat in Afghanistan; a draconian vax mandate;" Continue reading HERE
Surprise Electromagnetic Attack From China Part of Beijing’s ‘New Blitzkrieg’ Strategy:
- From The Epoch Times
An EMP attack centered over New York City could cover the entirety of the northeastern United States, paralyzing the power grid and sparking mass chaos
The United States is vulnerable to attack from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), according to experts. Such an attack could devastate the nation’s power grid and wipe out vast swaths of the population.
“The risk of an EMP attack on U.S. infrastructure is very high, particularly in this international environment,” said Sam Kessler, a geopolitical adviser at North Star Support Group, a multinational risk-management firm.
Read the full article HERE.

80 House Republicans Join Dems to Put YOUR Private Vaccine Status in a Federal Database!
Worst of all, FOUR turncoat Missouri Reps are on that list. Check out our Missouri News page for their names!
NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS: Jury Completely Exonerates Kyle Rittenhouse, Affirms Right To Self-Defense
November 19, 2021 By Haley Strack
Kyle Rittenhouse, who was accused of first-degree homicide among other counts after a night of race-fueled riots in Kenosha, Wis., was acquitted of all charges Friday. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I defended myself,” Rittenhouse said during his testimony.
Rittenhouse faced five counts: First-degree reckless homicide, two charges of first-degree reckless endangerment, first-degree intentional homicide, and attempted first-degree intentional homicide. If found guilty, the 18-year-old faced punishment up to life in prison.
Read the full article HERE.

Republicans Primed To ‘Comfortably Take Back’ Congress In 2022 After Democrats’ Election Disaster
- From the
Excerpts from the article:
"In Virginia, Republican Glenn Youngkin knocked off Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor, upsetting the former governor of Virginia who was an early favorite to retake the office."
In New Jersey, GOP gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli is running neck-and-neck with Democratic Governor Phil Murphy. The close race is a surprise in itself even if Ciattarelli eventually loses as the final ballots are counted.
"Republicans began implementing their strategy to retake Congress almost immediately after Tuesday’s elections....There are four lessons learned from Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia:" Read the full article HERE.
From Gateway Pundit:
BREAKING: NIH Today Corrects False Statements by Directors Collins and Fauci
​– the NIH Did Fund Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan – Fauci Lied Under Oath
NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci both claimed that the NIH had not funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Today we found out they lied.
Dr. Fauci, the Director of NIAID, was under oath when speaking with Senator Rand Paul. He denied that the NIH funded the gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Click HERE to read more.

Manchin May Vote Against Private Sector Vaccine Mandate
TNTR note: This has to do with a procedural vote in Congress that has the ability to stop a federal regulation when implemented by the federal administration. (One has to wonder why this isn't done more often.)
- From The Epoc Times
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) has indicated that he may vote with Republicans to strike down President Joe Biden’s wide-reaching private sector vaccine mandate, adding another threat to a list of growing legal challenges against the measure.
Through a political procedure instituted in the 1990s, Manchin’s defection would be enough to overturn the private sector mandate entirely. Read the full article HERE.
Schmitt Sues Springfield Schools for Sunshine Law violations Over CRT
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a lawsuit against pringfield Public Schools on Tuesday claiming the district violated the state’s Sunshine Law to hide evidence its was using critical race theory teachings in teacher training and student curriculum.
The 55-page petition was filed against the largest school district in the state in Greene County Circuit Court. In addition to citing violations involving the attorney general’s request for information from the district, the lawsuit cites requests made by state Rep. Craig Fishel, R-Springfield, and Patrick Ishmael, the director of government accountability at the Show-Me Institute. Read the full article HERE.

Supreme Court Takes Aim at Restrictive New York Concealed-Carry Gun Law
- From the Epoch Times
The Supreme Court seemed receptive to arguments that New York state’s tough concealed-carry gun permitting system violates the Second Amendment during a court hearing on Nov. 3.
The legal challenge is important because it could result in a nationwide recognition of the right of Americans to possess guns outside the home, carrying guns in public places such as parks, schools, shopping malls, and churches.
The Supreme Court has been moving in the direction of strengthening Second Amendment protections in recent years. Read the full article HERE.
Missouri Attorney General Announces He Will Sue to Halt Private Employer Vaccine Mandate
Nov 4, 2021, 08:35 AM by AG Schmitt
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt announced that he will sue to halt the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate on private employers first thing tomorrow morning when OSHA’s ETS is officially published in the federal register:
“The federal government does not have the authority to unilaterally force private employers to mandate their employees get vaccinated or foot the bill for weekly testing. I’ve been in discussions with businesses in Missouri, including a trailer manufacturing company in mid-Missouri, who say that this vaccine mandate will crush their business. We will be on file first thing tomorrow morning to halt this illegal, unconstitutional attempt by the Biden Administration and the federal government to impose their will on thousands of Missouri businesses and millions of Missourians. Missouri will not roll over, we will not back down – we will file suit imminently.”

Abbott Deploys Armed National Guard To Border To Arrest Illegal Aliens For Trespassing
- From The Federalist
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gave the green light for thousands of specially trained National Guard troops to go to the Southern U.S. border and begin making arrests of illegal aliens who are trespassing in the state.
In a new deterrence approach to combatting the lasting effects of Biden’s border crisis, Abbott is using Operation Lone Star to grant Guard members new authority to make civilian arrests of illegal migrants beginning this week following at least “40 hours of traditional police training in the use of deadly force.” Click HERE to read more.

For those who wonder about the "why" of mandated vaccination....other than the power and's a strong possibility.
From Children's Health Defense
‘Unconscionable’: Pfizer, Moderna to Rake in Combined $93 Billion in 2022 COVID Vaccine Sales
A report by health data analytics group, Airfinity, projects “unprecedented” sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in 2022. According to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, the companies are pricing their vaccines by as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.
Pfizer vaccine sales are predicted to reach $54.5 billion in 2022, and Moderna’s will hit $38.7 billion. The estimates blow the earlier figures — $23.6 billion for Pfizer and $20 billion for Moderna — out of the water.
“The numbers are unprecedented,” Rasmus Beck Hansen, CEO of Airfinity, told the Financial Times.
Sales of the mRNA shots will continue to rise in 2022 due to boosters and countries stockpiling to ward off variants, Airfinity said.
Pfizer will generate 64% of its sales, and Moderna 75% of its sales, from high-income countries in 2022, the analysts predicted.
In April, Pfizer predicted 2021 COVID vaccine sales of $26 billion. After second-quarter results were reported, Pfizer upped the figure to $33.5 billion. Bernstein analyst Ronny Gal said the company could ring up an additional $10 billion in vaccine sales in 2021. Read the full article HERE.

– 85% of Covid-19 deaths are among the Vaccinated, Child deaths have risen by 83% since they were offered the jab, the Covid-19 Vaccines have negative effectiveness as low as -132%
Read the full article HERE
What I Just Told The New York Times About the Complete Failure and Disaster of the COVID-19 Vaccine
​- From the Townhall article about Wayne Allyn Root
"Earlier this week, I received this email from the New York Times:
"You have said on Facebook that the vaccine 'doesn't work' and is 'a complete failure.' Do you have any comment?"
"Sure, I have a comment. Every word I say is based on science and facts.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the only present scientific way of measuring deaths and injuries from any vaccine
-- including the COVID-19 vaccine. It's not my system. It's not based on politics. It has nothing to do with conservative or liberal opinions

"Here are the VAERS numbers: Over 17,000 Americans are reported dead from this vaccine -- mostly from strokes, heart attacks and blood clots. Over 800,000 are reported injured, many of them hospitalized (over 83,000), many with life-threatening illness (over 18,000) and many others permanently disabled (over 26,000)."
Read the full article HERE.
​Maybe it's time to get all this UFO stuff figured out...before China does
By Jarrad Winter, from From American Thinker
China may now possess hypersonic missiles and have eclipsed us on the artificial intelligence front, but the Chinese didn't develop UFOs, and neither did Russia. There's definitely something going on up there that we need to figure out in the name of national security. This needs to happen ASAP because various members of the armed forces have stated that incidents continue to increase.
Here's a fairly terrifying quote that also proves the point that none of our conventional adversaries are behind UFOs. Read the rest of the story HERE.
DESE Hacked....Or Were They?
The governor is using words like "hacked". DESE is using words like "hacked". However....
"Viewing" HTML source code is not the same as "hacking" HTML source code. Seriously. Any user on any computer (yes, even you dear reader), can view HTML code (more on that in a minute). First, let's look at some definitions to make sure we know the difference between two important concepts: Hacking vs. Viewing.
"Hacking", per "A commonly used hacking definition is the act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or computer system. Hacking is not always a malicious act, but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data theft by cyber criminals."
"Viewing", per "1. The act of seeing, watching, or examining."
The reporter who....reported....the presence of discernible social security numbers in HTML code was Viewing the code. He was not Hacking the code, nor was he attempting to change information. The reporter even....reported....what he discovered to the proper authorities. Enter Mike Parson, who can't muster enough anger to worry about employees being treated like property by their vaccine-mandating-employers, but who did manage to become properly outraged by this unacceptable attempt to, VIEW.....information.
To prove the difference, join me in an experiment. (Note, the screen you are about to open can be closed and you'll return to this page, almost as if you'd never left.) Right-click anywhere on this very page, and choose "View page source" from the list of options. Eureka! You are now VIEWING HTML code. Note, the operative word "viewing", not "hacking". Feel free to click around on the screen (clicking underlined text will take you to another screen, but that's all). You will discover what Governor Parson has not, namely you cannot actually access the code, nor can you alter it. (Professional hacker tip: That's going to make any actual hacking pretty darn difficult!)
The problem with the DESE site (and some other government sites) is they did not bother to encrypt or otherwise hide actual social security numbers, and therefore said numbers were visible in the code. There's that pesky variation of viewing.....visible. DESE, and any other similarly vulnerable Missouri government site, might want to budget some funds for a competent IT person to do a decent job of tightening their code and their procedures. Prosecuting the poor reporter, though, seems like an opportunity to spend taxpayer money defending against a counter suit from the maybe not "poor" for much longer reporter for defamation, libel and slander. Click HERE to read the full story, and to get you started, here's a helpful, informative quote from the same article:
The newspaper asked Shaji Khan, a cybersecurity professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, to confirm the findings. He called the vulnerability “a serious flaw.” “We have known about this type of flaw for at least 10-12 years, if not more,” Khan wrote in an email. “The fact that this type of vulnerability is still present in the DESE web application is mind boggling!”
Someone might want to explain to our governor what you now know that he doesn't, i.e. the difference between viewing and hacking. Maybe he could use any leftover outrage on that mandatory vaccination thing going on under his so far disinterested nose....maybe tell him employees are hacked off. (Sorry.)